10 Werkzeuge dass jeder Biker zu Hause haben sollte

Toolkit Cruizador

Angesichts des Erfolgs unseres letzten Artikels (ein gebrauchtes Motorrad kaufen, praktisches Handbuch hier) haben wir beschlossen, einen neuen Artikel über Mechanik für Sie zu schreiben. Dieses Mal kümmern wir uns um 10 Unverzichtbare Werkzeuge, die alle Biker/-innen zu Hause haben sollten.

Also, wir haben unseren Freund und Schraubenschlüssel-Meister Robin, Besitzer von Rideshaper (weitere Informationen hier), gebeten, eine Liste seiner 10 wichtigsten Dinge zu erstellen, d.h. 10 Werkzeuge, die jeder Biker zu Hause haben muss.

Cruizador X Rideshaper

Unverzichtbare Werkzeuge für Biker

Also hören wir dem Herrn genau zu und lesen den Artikel bis zum Ende :-)!

Artikel auf English oder Französisch (hier)!

1. Flashlight

To see more clearly …It seems obvious to some, but a flashlight makes small interventions easier, eg. to check the brake pads. Some will argue that you can use your smartphone instead (most have a flashlight function). However, when you have greasy hands, it’s best not to dig deep into your pockets to reach for your phone. And a flashlight can sneak into tight places (well sticking to mechanic of course).
Flashlight Maglite Cruizador

2. Basic Toolkit

You will use the basic tools for your motorcycle, but occasionally also when assembling an IKEA piece of furniture. Also, buy proper tools, once, and they will last long. To adjust the controls:

  • Allen wrench set,
  • Screwdrivers set,
  • Flat keys set,
  • Pliers set,
  • Ratchet with connectors.

Alen Wrench Set Cruizador | Unverzichtbare Werkzeuge für Biker

3. Chain (cleaning) kit 

Did you know that a well-maintained chain kit can last twice as long as a neglected one? A chain that is too tight or not tight enough, badly greased, etc. wears out faster. Also, if you want to avoid a big bucks every 15,000 km, remember to maintain it regularly.

  • To clean: toothbrush and chain cleaning spray;
  • To grease: chain lubricant spray and a piece of cardboard to protect the rear tire.

Motorcycle Chain Kit Cleaner Cruizador

4. Ruler 

To check that the chain tension is correct (see previous point).

Ruler Cruizador

5. Pressure gauge

To control tire pressure precisely, without having to go to the gas station every time. Did you know that the contact area between the motorcycle (tire) and the road is the size of a credit card? An improperly inflated tire (too much or not enough) wears faster, provides a bad driving experience, but is also dangerous. Also, remember to check the pressure regularly. Your safety is at stake!
Manometer Pressure Gauge Michelin Cruizador

6. Cable lubricant

To have properly smooth working controls.

7. Cleaning kit

To have a clean motorcycle and keep it clean.

In general, you avoid over-washing your bike with the high-pressure jet. Because this one will tend to damage certain parts (in particular the blades of the radiator), but also to drain water in unwanted places (for example the wiring harness).

In any case, keeping a motorcycle clean will not only allow you to show off, but above you won’t get your hands (too) dirty when you have to service it. A well-maintained motorcycle will also resale (better). Keep that in mind.
WD40 Motorcycle Cleaning Set Cruizador

8. Battery charger

To recharge the battery or keep it charged.Motorcycle batteries are often a weak point and do not last long. Also, to extend the replacement deadline, consider getting a battery charger. These chargers make it possible to deliver a boost of juice when it is flat but also to maintain a critical charge threshold in winter.

CTek Motorcycle Charger Cruizador

9. Multimeter

The multimeter will allow you to check the battery level and/or try to find a possible electrical failure. So before dismantling the entire harness, we check with the multimeter.

Multimeter Cruizador

10. 1L funnel (for engine oil)

Very useful to top up when needed, and to avoid putting oil everywhere! If you are in trouble, you can always take a PET bottle, cut the «bottom» of the bottle and use it as a funnel. It can help out.

1L Oil Funnel Cruizador | Unverzichtbare Werkzeuge für Biker

Do you want more? Develop your knowledge of mechanics? Customize or service your own bike? Take a mechanical course?

Cruizador x Rideshaper

Why don’t you have a look at Le Bercail! The first «do-it-yourself» workshop in the French-speaking Switzerland. We wrote an article on the place (here). Or go see directly the Rideshaper website (here)! Robin will also be happy to give you a little guided tour of the place, without obligation!

Unverzichtbare Werkzeuge für Biker


Hey, ich bin der Gründer und Chief Biker Officer von Cruizador. Ich bin schon lange Motorradfahrer und reisebegeistert und habe mich 2018 dazu entschlossen, diesen neuen Service einzuführen, in der Hoffnung, dass er möglichst viele Motorradfahrer anspricht, die die gleiche Philosophie und den gleichen Durst nach Open Roads teilen. Ich freue mich auf Ihre Kommentare, Verbesserungsvorschläge und vieles mehr. Ride on!

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