Red Wing Heritage Iron Rangers
- 2025-01-21
- Produkt-Tests
Hier ist der vollständige Test der Iron Ranger Stiefel der amerikanischen Marke Red Wing, die ich in unserer Liste der perfekten Geschenke... Mehr lesen
Nachdem wir sie 3 Monate lang unter allen möglichen Bedingungen ausprobiert haben, sind wir nun bereit, die Riding Culture Cargohose zu bewerten.
Vor einiger Zeit haben wir die Pando Moto Jeans getestet, die für alle Biker/-innen gedacht ist, die Wert auf Stil legen, aber keine Kompromisse bei der Sicherheit eingehen wollen.
In diesem Sinne haben wir beschlossen, uns eine andere Hose anzuschauen, die zwar mehr im Biker-Look aussieht, aber auch eine Reihe von Vorteilen bietet. Hier ist also unsere vollständige Bewertung der 2020 Cargohose von Riding Culture.
Für diejenigen, die es nicht wissen: Riding Culture ist eine erschwinglichere Untermarke der Rokker Company, einer in St. Gallen gegründeten Schweizer Marke, die hochwertige Kleidung für Biker anbietet, die Wert auf ihr Aussehen legen und keine Kompromisse bei der Sicherheit eingehen wollen.
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Test Riding Culture Cargohosen
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Style is important. But biker safety is even more important. And we’re always surprised to see how many motorcyclists ride in unsuitable clothing.
Many outfitters now offer products that combine safety and good looks without compromise.
And when it comes to choosing between normal trousers and those developed especially for bikers, well, the question is quickly answered, as someone else would say.
And while the main quality of the Pando Moto Jeans was that they were almost unnoticeable for typical biker jeans, we wanted to test something with a decidedly biker look.
So we naturally turned to another big player in the market, the Rokker Company, and their sub-brand Riding Culture, which offers urban clothing for adrenalin-seekers (MTB, skateboarding, motorcycling, etc.).
These trousers are made of :
This makes them fairly comfortable to wear, even if the fabric is still thick and ventilation is lacking, so they may not be the most suitable trousers for the warm season. But for the in-between seasons, especially in Switzerland, where the weather can be chilly/rainy, it might even be an advantage.
The trousers have some very nice details, and the cargo pockets can be an advantage for carrying your wallet or keys, for example. However, this can be a double-edged sword when it comes to safety. If you fall with a smartphone in your pocket, for example, there’s a greater risk of glass or metal penetrating your skin.
There are also internal pockets for knee and hip protectors. However, the trousers only come with knee protectors. For hip protectors, you’ll have to pay additionally.
Test Riding Culture Cargohosen
The author of this article is lucky enough to have been able to test them for around 3 months. And here’s what he can tell you about them:
test pantalons riding culture
Test Riding Culture Cargohosen
On this point, we haven’t had the chance to test it in real-life conditions, and we’re knocking on wood to keep it that way.
But it’s clear that the best material against abrasion is still leather. It’s not for nothing that you’re obliged to wear a full leather suit if you’re going to ride on a racetrack. But leather also has its disadvantages: waterproofing, heat/no ventilation, weight, etc. You can’t have everything, and it’s up to you to define the specifications for your outfit.
As marked on the pant’s label, the 2020 model is only guaranteed CE-Level A and it would appear that the new model offers higher protection (Level AA).
And as I mentioned earlier, be careful what you put in your cargo pockets when you’re riding. Yes, in the event of a fall, you run the risk of ending up with extra material in your flesh. We recommend putting metal/glass objects either in the top case or in a tank bag, for example.
As mentioned above, we’re a little worried about the durability of the zip. And it remains to be seen whether the colour will wash out in the long term.
And the fact that it only offers CE-level A protection may limit its range of action.
For a trip into town, or to work, if you’re not taking the motorway, why not. For a road-trip lasting several days, it’s up to you whether you want to focus on your looks or your safety.
If you’re riding in the middle of summer, the lack of leg ventilation may give you the feeling that your legs are nice and warm, especially with the heat generated by the engine. But in terms of safety, it’s definitely better than jeans with holes in them 😉
Note that this brands carry different models, such as jeans or chinos. On the manufacturer’s website, the 2023 models are all advertised at 249CHF/€.
We hope you find this test useful. Don’t hesitate to check out our BLOG for other motorcycle-related topics.
Ride on
Test Riding Culture Cargohosen