Unsere Auswahl an Reiseliteratur

Bookshelf Cruizador ©Mariia Zakatiura

Die aktuellen Bedingungen sind für das Motorradfahren immer noch nicht optimal (das ist eine Untertreibung). Und einige von Ihnen haben möglicherweise ihre Nummernschilder für die Wintersaison deponiert. So viele von Ihnen könnten ein seltsames Gefühl im rechten Handgelenk spüren und begierig darauf sein, eine Ausfahrt zu machen!

Um Ihnen das Warten zu erleichtern, und nachdem wir Ihnen unsere Auswahl der besten Filme zum Thema Motorrad  vorgestellt haben (hier), haben wir Ihnen, eine kleine Auswahl einiger Nachschlagewerke zur Reiseliteratur (und zum Motorradfahren) zusammengestellt. Auswahl-Reiseliteratur-Motorrad

Dies ist keine vollständige Liste, aber sicherlich unsere Favoriten. Bücher, die uns auf eine Reise mitnehmen, durch die Feder ihres Autors. Bücher, die Gutes tun und Perspektiven eröffnen, in einer etwas düsteren Zeit (eine weitere Untertreibung). Und am Ende erlauben sie uns besonders zu reisen, ohne uns von unserem Sofa zu bewegen. Wir hoffen, dass Ihnen diese Auswahl gefällt. Gute Lektüre!

Ride on !

(ab jetzt auf English, oder Französisch hier; aber die meisten dieser Bücher sind auch auf Deutsch erhältlich!)

Jupiter’s travels, Ted Simon

“I was aiming for total independence and wanted to travel as Linvingston or Christopher Columbus did, as if anything could happen, nothing was predictable. It was going to be the trip of my life, the one that millions of people dream of and never take, and I wanted to live up to those dreams. »

This is what the author has to say about it . «It’s a story of travel and adventure in every dimension and most of those who have traveled the world after reading it haven’t even considered ever getting on a motorcycle. […] It was not a very vague idea or wish, rather a strong conviction. I knew the instant that this desire occurred to me that it would come true and how I would achieve it. But I couldn’t say why I immediately thought of the motorcycle. I didn’t own one, I didn’t even have the license. »

ted simon jupiter's travels Cruizador


It shows you a little what the guy is made of. He started off in 1973, riding a Triumph Tiger Hundred 500 (that started to lose oil the minute he left the factory), and traveled finally 125,000km, crossing 46 countries, through Africa (from north to south), Latin America then North, New Zealand, Australia, South-East Asia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe.

The Way of the World, Nicolas Bouvier

So yes, Nicolas Bouvier was not a biker and began his journey with his friend, Thierry Verney, behind the wheel of the Fiat Topolino. BUT Nicolas Bouvier is a writer, photographer and traveler from Switzerland (Romand) and traveled in the 1950s, in an era when your insurance/road-assistance did not come to rescue you in the event of a breakdown, and even less in these corners of the world (Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc.).

The author, 24yo at the time of the first road-trip, introduces us to the world of that time and describes his adventures, made up of encounters, mutual aid, and discoveries, all without ever making a value judgment. In short, this book has become one of the classics of travel literature, and with good reason. In short, a book that all adventurers or people who love the great outdoors should read.

Nicolas Bouvier the Way of the World Cruizador


And I followed the wind, Anne-France Dautheville

Anne-France Dautheville took part, in the early 1970s, in the Raid Orion, between Paris and Isfahan, then continued her journey to Afghanistan and then Pakistan. Out of a total of 92 at the start, only 4 (!!) motorcyclists will cross the finish line. She then discovered a passion for motorcycles, the pleasure of traveling the roads, according to her encounters. On her return to Paris, some badmouthed her and said that she received assistance and that is why she crossed the finish line.

Stung in her pride, and to prove them wrong, she decided to undertake around-the-world roadtrip, on a little Kawasaki 100cc (because of its light build). She rode out through Canada and Alaska, Japan, India, Pakistan, etc. In short, this story will show you what wood this girl is made of! And frankly, we say hats off! And for anyone who thinks that a woman has nothing to do on a motorcycle, you might as well reconsider your judgment!

Anne France Dautheville_Et j'ai suivi le vent Cruizador


Girl on a motorcycle

This book, based on the story of Anne-France Dautheville, about which we spoke to you just before, should awaken the instinct of biker-adventurer of our youngest female… and male readers. We do not discriminate! Indeed, in this 52-page book, beautifully illustrated, our future bikers will follow the narrator on her solo round the world trip, carried out in the 70s. In addition, they will learn to change a wheel, make a fire, prepare all the equipment for such an epic journey … In short, it is a superb gift idea to arouse vocations! It is also translated into German (das Mädchen auf dem Motorrad) and French (La fille a moto). More info on the publisher’s website (here)!

Two wheels South, A motorcycle adventure from New York to Ushuaia, Matias Corea

Sometimes we need life to give us a good slap in the face, to question ourselves and take a 180 degree turn, to get out of a life that is only half fulfilling.

It is the death of his sister Soledad, mowed down by a sudden illness, that will push Matias onto the road, taking his friend Joel with him along the way. Riding two Bavarian mounts from the 80s – an R80 GS and an R80 ST – they will reach Ushuaia, starting off their journey in Brooklyn. A long descent, of more than 30,000km throughout Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Colombia, Peru, Chile, etc., made of encounters, discoveries but also hassles: administrative hassles at customs, punctures and an accident that will not prevent them from completing their odyssey. In short, a beautiful book, with more than 300 photos, and above all a very informative section on the preparation of the bikes and the equipment to take on such a journey (camping gear, spare parts, tools, etc.).

Two Wheels South, Matias Corea, Cruizador


Berezina, Sylvain Tesson

Sylvain Tesson, writer and adventurer of modern times, has made many trips on two wheels: India, Cambodia, Latin America, etc. He is one of those insatiable travelers for whom, the end of the day and the setting up of the bivouac, represents the greatest punishment. He has written many books about his adventures, and we can’t tell you which one is our favorite. However, this one (Berezina) lends itself well to the present period. Literally (given the current Weather) and figuratively (since we still cannot see the end of this pandemic)!

In 2012, the author embarked on Ural sidecars on an epic journey to commemorate the bicentenary of the retreat from Russia. It takes the same route at the same time of the year. And you might as well say that with such cold, it is in your interest to layer up clothes so as not to lose a finger or freeze your nuts.

In short, with his unique style, his choice of words always right, Tesson recounts with precision what was the exhausting daily life of the grumblers of the Grande Armée. Note that nearly 45,000 of them died in absolutely appalling conditions. In short, it is by reading this story, going back and forth between history and this extraordinary journey that the expression «this is the Bérézina» will take on its full meaning.

Sylvain Tesson, Berezina, Cruizador


Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values, Robert Maynard Pirsig

Robert Pirsig is first and foremost a symbol of tenacity, since he will eventually find a publisher willing to publish his autobiography after having faced … 121 refusals !!

An exceptional man, a writer and a philospher, and equally exceptionally intelligent (170 of IQ), Robert narrates his ride, with his son, across North America, from Minneapolis to San Francisco. Two on their motorbike, discovering the American roads where they bump into alternately Newton or Kerouac, but also repair sometime a carburetor, sometimes a piston. In short, this story, which brings philosophers and thinkers into the discussion, is above all a meditation on the meaning of life and on the relationship of man to modernity.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry into Values, Robert Maynard Pirsig, Cruizador


The motorcycle diaries, Ernesto Guevara

We were telling you about this initiatory journey, undertaken by «Che», in our selection of films on motorcycles (here). However, in order to stick as close as possible to the spirit of its author, what better way than to read the book? In short, this 10’000km road-trip, on a Norton 500, called La Poderosa (the Mighty one) will last nearly nine months and will take the Che through Latin America, where it will be faced with social misery and injustices. This formative odyssey will greatly influence his life choices and guide him in his Marxist revolution. In short, another must read.

The motorcycle diaries, Ernesto Guevara, Cruizador


Ride out! Motorcycle Roadtrips and Adventures

To return to a little more lighthearted book, this beautiful 272-pages book, and richly illustrated, offers nearly 28 destinations around the world, which should allow you to combine pleasure on two wheels with discovery, wonder and thirst for wide open spaces. From the Silk Road, into the arid Californian desert, through the wild forests of Tasmania, to the passes of northern Italy, this book should give you inspiration for your next trip. Or help you to day dream a little while waiting for the next travel. Note that each itinerary is accompanied by a map as well as practical information and detailed advice on the journey. Available on the publisher’s online shop (here).

Ride out! Motorcycle Roadtrips and Adventures, Cruizador




Hey, ich bin der Gründer und Chief Biker Officer von Cruizador. Ich bin schon lange Motorradfahrer und reisebegeistert und habe mich 2018 dazu entschlossen, diesen neuen Service einzuführen, in der Hoffnung, dass er möglichst viele Motorradfahrer anspricht, die die gleiche Philosophie und den gleichen Durst nach Open Roads teilen. Ich freue mich auf Ihre Kommentare, Verbesserungsvorschläge und vieles mehr. Ride on!

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