Product review of the Pando biker jeans

Test Jeans Pando Moto

We mentioned the Pando biker jeans in our gift list, and some of you have reached out to find out more.

Are they worth their price? What do they have more than the competition?review pando biker jeans

After 3 years of real-life use, in all kinds of conditions, we can give you a comprehensive product review on the Pando Biker Jeans.

In a nutshell for our busy readers



  • Their material (Dyneema) is 15x stronger than steel -> abrasion resistant and drop resistant (CE AA certified);
  • The jeans fit snugly and fall well, so you can wear them to work without any problems;
  • Women’s collection with fitted waist;
  • However, once softened after a few uses, they are comfortable on the bike (slightly stretchy);
  • The lining makes them windproof and waterproof;
  • But beware, they are not Gore-Tex either. So 3 hours in the pouring rain and you’ll be washed out;
  • Two positions (high and low) for the knee pads -> depending on feeling/comfort;
  • Holes for hip protection;
  • Our example was produced in Portugal;
  • 2 years warranty.


  • Our model costs 420 CHF, the competition 2x cheaper for the basic model;
  • Colour/tint tends to fade at the joints and in areas near the engine;
  • Due to the material of manufacture, it cannot be (re)tinted to give it a new shine;
  • No possibility to ventilate the legs.
  • We couldn’t test the protection in real conditions and we’ll knock on wood to keep it that way, so we’ll have to take Pando at his word.

test product review Pando Biker Jeans

review pando biker jeans

In details now

Style matters. But the riders’ safety is even more important. And often we are surprised to see the number of bikers who ride with inappropriate clothing. They claim, often in good faith, that motorcycle clothing looks… too biker’ish. And that when they ride a short distance, they don’t want to have to gear up head-to-toe and/or change when they get to work. But did you know that the abrasion resistance of normal jeans is about 2 seconds!! Imagine falling from even 50km/h. You will probably slide for more than 2 sec. So as soon as there is more tissue, it is the skin that will take the hit.

This is where Pando-Moto comes in. They have incorporated a new texture, called Dyneema, which mixes directly with the fiber of the jeans and which makes the textile, according to them, 15x (!!) more resistant than steel and which allows the jeans to withstand a fall at 70km/h (CE standard).

In addition, there are interior pockets for knee and hip protections.

In real usage conditions now

The author of this article has been fortunate enough to have had one for 2 years now. And here’s what he can tell you:

  • Cut (slim version): it is really well cut and when worn it looks like any other pair of jeans. You can put it on to go to work, without anyone noticing (assuming you can wear jeans at work of course).
  • Comfort: the jeans are light and can be worn without problem all day. In addition, thanks to the modified fiber, the jeans are windproof and can withstand light rain (be careful, these are not waterproof pants either). In addition, the internal pockets allow a low or high position for the knee pads, depending on the preference of the pilot.
  • Protection: I haven’t had the opportunity to test in real conditions, and I’m going to keep my fingers crossed to keep it that way :-). But the test videos on the brand’s website are quite explanatory. More information here
  • Durability : like all jeans, it tends to wash out a bit. And the proximity to the heat of the engine as well as the exposure to the external elements (rain) does not help. But now, this patina also gives charm to clothes and gives them a unique look, in your image!

How about safety now ?

On this point, since we have not had the opportunity to test it in real conditions, we will have to take Pando’s word for it.

But it is clear that the best material against abrasion is still leather. It’s not for nothing that you have to wear a full leather suit if you’re going to ride on a track. But leather also has its disadvantages: waterproofing, heat/no ventilation, weight, etc. You can’t have everything and that’s why it’s so important. You can’t have everything and it’s up to you to define your outfit specifications.

Want to know more about the technology of those jeans ? Click the link -> here <-

Any down sides?

As mentioned above, it tends to bleed a little (see photo below). And relatively quickly. However, when you buy a piece of cloth costing more than 400 CHF, you’d like it to be a bit more durable.

Especially since, unlike “classic” jeans, you tend to wash them more often in the machine. Indeed, after a week-long road-trip in summer, when you’re sweating because of the heat, and with all the bugs squashed, then you don’t put them straight back in the wardrobe J

On our model, there are no zippers to ventilate the legs on the road. This should be taken into account if you are sensitive to heat.

Otherwise, it is clear that the construction of these jeans makes them a poor candidate for long-distance travellers who may have to ride in difficult conditions, such as heavy rain.

They are slightly waterproof, but they are not Gore-Tex and will not last an hour under water. After that, there’s nothing to stop you buying waterproof trousers to put on top.

However, the bikers who turn to this kind of product are looking for a complementary garment for every day or 1-2 days road trip, when dry weather will be certain. And they will use it in addition to their full outfit for long rides.

Finally, the price may be a deal breaker for some. But does safety have a price? And isn’t it worth investing in an item that will last you a while rather than a low-end product that will deteriorate quickly and have to be replaced many times?

Note that there are different ranges in this brand, with prices starting at around 160 CHF.

We hope this test will be useful to you. Don’t hesitate to browse our blog to discover other topics on and around motorbike riding.

Ride on!

review pando biker jeans


Hey, I'm the founder and Chief Biker Officer of Cruizador. I've been a motorcyclist and travel enthusiast for a long time, and it was in 2018 that I decided to launch this new service, hoping that it would speak to as many bikers as possible who share the same philosophy and the same thirst for the great outdoors. I'd be delighted to take note of your comments, ideas for improvement, etc. Ride on!

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