How to become a skilled biker – part 1

In this article, we wonder what it takes to become a skilled biker? What are the criteria? And are there any tips for success? 

And whilst we might have some clues, we wanted to make a little twist. So this topic will be handled twofold.

And in this first part, we asked ChatGPT to tell us what it thinks it takes to be a skill rider (in 2500 characters). We read its answer and fell asleep half way through. So we asked it to make it a little less formal and a little more entertaining to read. 

Disclaimer, it is therefore ChatGPT’s sole opinion and not ours (yet) ?!

So do you believe the AI gets it? 

And in the second part of this article, to be published soon, we will take a stand and give you our honest opinion on what it takes to be a good motorcyclist. 

So we’re going to go point by point and analyse ChatGPT’s response to see whether it’s right or (totally) wrong. 

And at the end, we’ll add (or not) the missing points. And in the meantime, do not forget to have a look at our beginner’s guide for bikers.

We provide tips and tricks if you are about to pick up motorbike riding so that you can build a solid knowledge to ride safe

become a skilled biker

What ChatGPT says


Riding a motorcycle is not just a means of transportation; it’s an exciting adventure and a lifestyle statement. Whether you’re a newbie on two wheels or someone looking to spice up their skills, becoming a super motorcycle hero is much more than just learning to balance on two wheels. It’s about mastering cool tricks, getting the hang of safety tips, and developing an attitude that prefers responsible cruising. In this article, we’ll show you how to become a real motorcycle hero – with a dash of skills, a good dose of knowledge, and loads of cool vibes.

Safety Always Comes First

Before we dive into the tricks and techniques, let’s get one thing straight: safety is king. A cool motorcycle hero always puts safety first. This means suiting up in protective gear – including a DOT-approved helmet, gloves, a badass biker jacket, stylish pants, and tough boots. Regularly check your ride for signs of wear and tear and make sure it’s in top-notch condition before every ride.

Learn to Ride and Get Licensed

To be a legal and cool motorcycle hero, you’ve got to snag the necessary licenses and certificates. Depending on your location, you might need a motorcycle learner’s permit and a full-throttle motorcycle license. A cool move is to take an official rider training course, which will give you valuable skills and tricks for safe cruising.

Rock the Basics

Before you hit the open road, spend some quality time in a safe area practicing the basics like balancing, throttling, braking, and leaning into turns. Get to know your bike’s controls and make them as familiar as strumming your favorite guitar.

Understand Your Machine

Every machine has its own vibe. Understand the power of your ride, how weight is distributed, and how it feels in corners. Chill out with your machine by taking short spins in different conditions.

Perfect Your Riding Style

The right riding attitude is essential for keeping the style factor high. Sit upright, with a straight back and slightly bent elbows. Keep your knees close to the tank for stability and look straight ahead, not at the pavement.

Braking Technique

Braking is a critical skill for every motorcycle hero. Practice progressive braking by smoothly and gradually applying both the front and rear brakes to avoid skidding. And remember, most of the braking power comes from the front brake.

Scratching Those Curves

Nailing curves on your bike requires skills and a touch of style. Start with easy turns and work your way up to tighter corners. Use the “late in, early out” technique by gently entering the curve, leaning into it, and hitting the throttle as you exit.


become a skilled biker
become a skilled biker

Responsibly Twist the Throttle

Always assume that other road users may not see you. Stay alert, stay out of other vehicles’ blind spots, and honk the horn when necessary. Anticipate potential obstacles and maintain a safe following distance.

Develop Your Riding Strategy

Plan your routes carefully, taking into account traffic, weather, and road conditions. Avoid riding in rain, snow, or storms if you can, and if you have to, suit up in the right gear.

Never Let the Learning Spirit Die

Motorcycling is like a never-ending rock concert – there’s always something new to learn. Grab riding lessons from pros, join group rides, and read everything about motorcycles to stay up-to-date.

Respect the Rules, Dude!

A cool motorcycle hero abides by the rules. Respect traffic regulations, don’t ride like a maniac, and leave the bad boy at home.

Stay Focused, My Friend!

Distractions while riding can be seriously dangerous. Keep your phone in your pocket, don’t blast loud music with headphones, and don’t let other activities divert your attention from cruising.

Chat GPT Conclusion

Becoming a cool motorcycle hero is a journey that blends skills, knowledge, and the right attitude. Safety is still the coolest, and learning and practicing basic riding techniques is the key to success. With continuous training, respect for the rules, and a laid-back attitude towards riding, you can enjoy the motorcycle life to the fullest – and all with maximum style and coolness. Remember: Being a cool motorcycle hero isn’t just about reaching the destination; it’s about enjoying the ride itself.

Our Conclusion

That’s it for this first part of the article. As you can see, ChatGPT gives us advice that is not devoid of common sense, but is very consensual/expected. What’s more, it overlooks several key aspects that provide valuable clues as to the quality of a biker.

We’ll tell you more in our next article, to be published very soon.

Ride on!

become a skilled biker


Hey, I'm the founder and Chief Biker Officer of Cruizador. I've been a motorcyclist and travel enthusiast for a long time, and it was in 2018 that I decided to launch this new service, hoping that it would speak to as many bikers as possible who share the same philosophy and the same thirst for the great outdoors. I'd be delighted to take note of your comments, ideas for improvement, etc. Ride on!

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